

Júniusban lezajlott a “Communication is the Path to Integration“ című  (Number 2018-1-LT01-KA204-046976) nemzetközi Erasmus+ harmadik találkozója, melynek szociális szövetkezetünk volt a házigazdája. A világjárvány, az utazási megszorítások nem tették lehetővé, hogy litván és izlandi partnerszervezeteink személyesen látogassanak el hozzánk, így az eseményt online formában tartottuk meg. A projekt célja a különböző kommunikációs eszközök, módszerek megosztása illetve elsajátítása, melyek segítségével a kommunikációs nehézségekkel, beszédfogyatékossággal élők számára is lehetőség nyílik a független életre, a társadalmi integrációra.

Szervezetünk a drámapedagógia eszköztárát, játékokat és gyakorlatokat mutatott be, melyeknek köszönhetően a mozgások és gesztusok által megvalósul a résztvevők közti kapcsolat.

A projekt részletes bemutatása a képek után olvasható (angol nyelven).


Alternative ways of communication are the way to independent living: the ability to communicate effectively with others is essential for good quality of life – all people need to be able to communicate in order to work, build relationships, and seek the support they need. However, some people find it difficult to communicate with others and may need support to develop the communication skills.

In pursuit of successful social inclusion of people with mental disabilities the Jonava people with disabilities activity center together with partners from Iceland and Hungary is implementing the Erasmus+ international project “Communication is the path to integration“. The final meeting of the project was to take place in Hungary, but the current global COVID-19 pandemic, the health security measures, and the ensuing travel restrictions have widespread consequences for our project “Communication is the path to integration“ meetings. Although the pandemic and consequent measures have limited the possibility for project partners to meet in person, this has not prevented the dialogue and cooperation from continuing in online meetings. Of course, when circumstances changed, special compensatory communication equipment was needed to enable people with disabilities to participate in project activities: the Jonava people with disabilities activity center together with partners from Iceland bought for the successful implementation of the project the “Eye gaze“, “Communicator 5“,special keyboard and computer mouse for the disabled users. The purchased tools help people with disabilities to get involved in organized activities and feel like full members of society. These new technologies will be used in the activities of the institutions even after the implementation of the project. So we briefly present the experience of project partner’s from Hungary in the alternative communication methods.

Strázsa Tanya Közhasznú Szociális Szövetkezet, institution from Hungary, presented drama as a way for communication – drama is useful in learning and expressing themselves for the people with disabilities, because they obtain an opportunity to perceive, solve and explain any problem in their own levels. In these people, use of drama can provide experiencing and learning anything related to life, their confidence in themselves and their group inclusion and having the satisfaction of inclusion. Also the imagination of people will develop with the stories, they can be able to learn being ready to the new experiences and can constitute a substructure for verbal communication. Therefore, drama is an effective activity used to gain verbal and nonverbal communication skills and to constitute self-confidence feeling for the people with disabilities. Practical applied drama methods were shown during the online meeting and it was amazing! Even those who cannot speak, are able to convey essential feelings through the power of movements and gestures. There are no language barriers or borders.  Also during a project online meetings, we had the opportunity to see partners from Iceland experience by the using innovating technology “Eye gaze“. This is a communication and control system for people with physical disabilities. The “Eye gaze“ system is a direct-select vision-controlled communication and control system.  How does “Eye gaze“ work? The eye tracker sends out near infrared light. The light is reflected in your eyes. Those reflections are picked up by the eye tracker's cameras. Through filtering and calculations, the eye tracker knows where you are looking.

For many people, the ability to communicate is such an integral part of life. Knowing about different alternative methods of communication can help for project participants had better understand the ways to help clients communicate. We are glad, that Jonava people with disabilities activity center after participation in the project “Communication is the path to integration“ also now have communication and control system “Eye gaze“ and The “Communicator 5“ (communication software that converts text and symbols into clear speech) and we hope that the in the all project meetings presented methods allow us to improve the social inclusion of people with mental disabilities.


Author – Jonava people with disabilities activity center


Project “Communication is the path to integration“(Number 2018-1-LT01-KA204-046976)



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